Tiger Tiger Is It true?

Tiger Tiger Is It True? is a lovely children’s book with great illustrations which show via a little tiger and some other animals what a stressful thought creates in terms of feelings and being upset and what happens when you don’t believe it any more. While some may argue that this is too advanced for children, it is psychologizing them. My sense, and from when I read it with my children, they loved it and it is so very very simple that they found their own level of understanding as well. The illustrations by Hans Wilhelm are just wonderful too. Good for 3 – 6 year olds.

As someone who loves Byron Katie’s The Work (I am a Certified Faciliator of The Work) and has seen quite remarkable transformations in my own life as a consequence of using this tool, which is an amazingly simple process of questioning and undoing stressful thinking…I wondered what could she come up with for kids this is quite lovely… I have found that in order for me to be a Joyful Parent I have to express and know where my emotions come from (always a stressful thought) and I can show my children without “teaching” a way to be able to express their emotions and see why they are upset about something.



  1. How do I purchase this book and what is the price? Thank you. Lora Aspiotis

  2. kathy white says

    Hi Laura – click on the left hand picture above and you can purchase it from amazon.uk – if you are in the US go to amazon.com

    Or any major bookstores carry it. You can also go to the store on http://www.thework.com for this and any of Byron Katie’s books.